Training: Home Performance Advisor Tr...
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Sally Blackwell
Training: Home Performance Advisor Training

The Home Performance Advisor (HPA) training programme is a pathway for practitioners to become highly competent and effective advisors.

Certification helps New Zealanders know who to trust for high quality, independent, personalised advice to help them improve the performance of their homes and their quality of life. It also allows qualified advisors to demonstrate their competency and professional standards.

Eligibility for the course

To be eligible for the Home Performance Advisor programme a candidate must meet the following pre-requisites and be able to demonstrate that they subscribe to the core principles and approach (as outlined below), and will reflect its intent in their practice. To be eligible for the course, you must:

  1.  Have passed the Certificate in Home Energy Awareness (level I) – [see April training dates]
  2.  Be able to demonstrate that the business model you work with is based around providing clients with independent advice guided by a balanced assessment of the house and recommendations of actions that are appropriate in the situation,
  3.  Confirm that you are prepared to comply with the Code of Conduct if you pass the course and seek certification, (click  on the following link for the HPA code of conduct)
  4.  Confirm that you are prepared to meet the requirements for on-going certification and professional development. (click on the following link for the HPA certification and professional development requirements)

The Home Performance Advisor training programme has been developed by a group a not-for-profit organisations through a collaborative initiative called the Practitioners’ Hub[1]. The training reflects the core principles of the Practitioners’ Hub and an agreed approach to providing advice.

[1]The key partners behind the Practitioners’ Hub are Beacon Pathway Incorporated, Community Energy Network and The Enviroschools Foundation. The Practitioners’ Hub owns the Home Performance Advisor training programme and it is administered by Community Energy Network.

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