Home Forums General Discussion what to do when heat pumps are inadequate Reply To: what to do when heat pumps are inadequate

Ian McChesney

Hi Jo
One way the home owner could get an ‘industry norm’ view on the adequacy of their heat pump for their particular circumstances is to go onto the EnergyWise site and put their details into the heating calculator (details are in the L2 Manual). They would have to also know what the rated output of their heat pump is at 0 degrees (or minus 1 or 2 degree if Fielding is particularly prone to frosts?). Anyway, it will give pretty much the same answer as Phil’s rule of thumb I think. If their heat pump spec is way off, this may provide them more solid ground to take it further, with the supplier directly in the first instance, or to the Disputes Tribunal if that is what they want to pursue. The Disputes Tribunal doesn’t involve lawyers; details are on the Ministry of Justice website.