Home Forums General Discussion Grey and black water systems Reply To: Grey and black water systems

Eion Scott

Hi Panapa, council consenting is different depending on local soils, density of housing etc, most have a requirement to connect to a wastewater system if it is available, but there’s nothing stopping you using an onsite wastewater system if you choose. You will have to meet stormwater and wasstewater discharge regs, and if reusing greywater for irrigation or toilet flushing, hygiene standards. If your soils are free draining, your council may allow you to use greywater for irrigation, but Auckland has a standard (TP58) which means you will need Resource Consent, and the cost of doing so means nobody has ever applied, as far as I know. Here’s some detail:

We recommend reusing greywater in toilets only, and this requires a building consent. You will need to satisfy the consents processing staff that your system is hygienic. Usually that means some form of treatment (chlorine tablets in the greywater tanks or similar). The main objective is to not hold greywater in a tank for long periods. There should also be a mains auxilliary supply to the toilet to provide amenity if the tank is dry.

Level is the BRANZ website, primarily for designers, so has good technical detail. Go to http://www.level.org.nz/water/wastewater/on-site-wastewater-treatment/greywater-recycling/.

The following greywater reuse systems may be available in Auckland (but will need to comply with Auckland Council requirements above to be installed in the metropolitan area):