Home Forums General Discussion What is the best way to insulate walls without removing the wall panels? Reply To: What is the best way to insulate walls without removing the wall panels?

Vicki Cowan

In the case of Christchurch City Council building consents, the Council has advised that as long as the installation complies with NZS 4246: 2006 a Building Consent is not required (In practice this means a batt or similar product installed and building paper must be installed if not already in place- and if retrofitting from the inside this means stapling it into the cavity, as described in the standard).

In case people haven’t seen it yet, EECA and MBIE have just released a new guide on retrofitting wall insulation – with Christchurch in mind in particular.  In my view anyway, this is an improvement on the 4246: 2006 approach, and hopefully since MBIE has endorsed it, Consent Authorities will consider not requiring building consent for installations that comply with it.  The link to the new guide is: http://www.eeca.govt.nz/resource/guide-retrofitting-wall-insulation