Buy solar power, not solar panels
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Andrea Blackmore
Buy solar power, not solar panels

This was in the NZ Herald today – you don’t have to pay the upfront cost of panels but would it work in your favour over time?

Andrew Booth, founder and chief executive of solarcity explains: “85% of Kiwis want to go solar but have been put off by the upfront cost of the panels. For the first time in New Zealand there is now a simple way to go solar with little or no upfront costs. This first-of-its-kind $0-down plan is designed to let families generate cheaper power without having to choose between helping the environment and saving money.

“We can deliver power at a price that’s 10% below the current provider and fix that price for 20 years. That’s a huge benefit when you consider the cost of power has increased by 69% over the last 10 years. Mr. Desousa is leading the way for Auckland by being the first to show that with the power of solar we can help guide Kiwis towards a sustainable energy future.”

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