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Sarah Grant

Hi Ian,

Thanks for posting. I’m fine giving presentations (I’ve done toastmasters for years), the thing I’m nervous about with this one is the level of expertise of the master builders group and my inexperience and lack of comprehensive knowledge about building typologies and the building industry itself.

I think that’s a great tip though, to look at them as home owners / dwellers who might know a lot about buildings but not so much about the interactions of the various design elements and how they affect overall performance. Of course living behaviours won’t be their speciality either so that’s another course to take. I’m sure they will have all seen much more than I have in terms of rotten or ‘holey’ buildings which need repair, so they should at least be able to understand and relate to the info!

The Probus group I’m not concerned about at all, as they want a more general talk on the Environment Centre and what we do, along with the services we provide (I’m focussing on Home Performance because I can use them to practice for the scarier masterbuilders talk the next day!). You’re not coming down to Hawke’s Bay on Wednesday for the A & P show by any chance…..?!
