Welcome back to the Hub… I hope your return to the office and the the wrench away from the beach/your family/the garden/the couch hasn’t been too painful. Personally I’m missing my afternoon nap.
I expect this to be the first of fortnightly updates from me about the pilot. We’ve also got some other people lined up to write on topics that should be relevant to your work and will get you all talking. The first of those blogs will be coming next week.
Since I’ve been back from holiday, I’ve been working with Phill (the site developer) to set up the Best Practice Library. The library is now installed and ready to use. You will find a link in the right hand tool bar or you can connect to the Upload page from here.
Its a simple system that allows all users to upload documents to be shared with other users. All uploaded documents will go through a one-step moderation process before they appear in the library.
One of the objectives of the pilot is to find a way to provide some quality assurance on these documents so that we know users have access to best practice. At this stage we’re not sure what the solution to that will be but we really want you to upload all your useful documents as a starting point.
A few people have been bold enough to post their thoughts in the forum. Each of them has been useful and helped us shape the site. For example, thanks Richard Popenhagen we now have an events and activities forum! Please take the time while the year is still young (and hopefully quiet) to fill in your profile details and let us know your thoughts. Check out my first blog for ideas to get your started. If in doubt about how to do any of this, please watch the video on the home page.
I’ll be uploading some documents to the best practice library over the next week. If you’ve got any questions, or there is something stopping you uploading documents please let me know, or leave a comment on this blog.
And don’t forget, if you’ve got technical questions, or questions related to providing advice why not ask your colleagues in the hub whether they can help? you can do this through the main discussion forum.
phillcoxon said on January 16, 2013
Its’ really coming together now!
phillcoxon said on January 16, 2013
test comment